
"Here's Why AI and Healthbots should never replace human care" with a cartoon image of a nurse and a robot

Exploring AI’s Role in Health Care

Exploring AI’s Role in Health Care You might feel comfortable chatting with a robot about upgrading your cell phone plan or resolving a product FAQ. But what about addressing the most intimate details of your life and health status?  The … Read More

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CMS Publishes Final Rule for 2022 Chronic Care Management Reimbursement

CMS Publishes Final Rule for 2022 Chronic Care Management Reimbursement

CMS Publishes Final Rule for 2022 Chronic Care Management Reimbursement On Nov. 2, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published its final rule updating CPT codes and reimbursement rates for 2022.  The new rates, with some significant boosts for … Read More

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Early Interventions: How Signallamp Improves Patient Lives Starting with the First Call

Early Interventions: How Signallamp Improves Patient Lives Starting with the First Call

Early Interventions: How Signallamp Improves Patient Lives Starting with the First Call Question: How quickly can an effective chronic care management program start improving outcomes?  Answer: In many cases, they start on the first day. So much of the Signallamp … Read More

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Cartoon characters of happy looking health workers under a headline that reads: 5 Reasons CCM and RPM are Part of the Value Based Care Movement.

5 reasons CCM and RPM are essential to the value based care movement

5 reasons CCM and RPM are essential to the value based care movement Almost 12 years after the Affordable Care Act, value based care remains more of a philosophy than a framework. Providers and payers alike still struggle to put … Read More

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4 Critical Steps to Successful CCM Implementation

4 Critical Steps to Successful CCM Implementation

4 Critical Steps to Successful CCM Implementation Successful chronic care management implementation takes many coordinated steps. Each requires people, time and infrastructure, but that’s just the starting point.  At Signallamp Health, we’ve streamlined the implementation process to quickly scale up … Read More

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Signallamp Health Nurse in a Chair with Cartoon man standing next to text

Scaling Chronic Care Management is more than just a ‘Nurse in a Chair’

Scaling Chronic Care Management is more than just a ‘Nurse in a Chair’ When explaining Signallamp Health’s Chronic Care Management model to health systems and provider groups, just about all of them have the same question. “How can Signallamp possibly … Read More

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A cartoon male nurse gesturing to the text next to him that says "The Straight Talk on SDOH"

The Straight Talk on SDOH

The Straight Talk on SDOH How does a remote care model address one of the nation’s greatest health challenges? Before we unpack the powerful force that remote care brings to bear on social determinants of health (SDOH), first we need … Read More

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A man in a suit holding a measuring tape next to a bar graph with text that reads "Measuring the Value of Scalable Care Management"

Measuring the Value of Scalable Care Management

Measuring the Value of Scalable Care Management While the need to proactively manage chronic conditions has become more apparent, proven remote care models are in short supply. The U.S. healthcare system is built around facility-based care, maging patients when they’re … Read More

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A telehealth worker in the middle of a patient and a group of doctors

How Remote Care Management Can Positively Affect Your Entire Health System

How Remote Care Management Can Positively Affect Your Entire Health System Looking forward, almost every measure of success for health systems will hinge on managing patients in between face-to- face care. COVID-19 has hastened the speed and emphasized the urgency … Read More

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A man in a suit pointing at a bar graph showing an upwards trajectory

The Bottom Line About Care Management

The Bottom Line About Care Management To survive—and thrive—health systems must become proficient at managing chronic care outside the facility setting and across the care continuum.  Success requires moving from facility-based delivery models to a remote care model that engages … Read More

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